Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Image Essay 13: Texture

Texture can be made in all different ways. First if the objects have their own texture. Second if a bunch of objects are put together to create a texture or lastly if the artist creates a texture on a surface. The piece by Douglas Smith “No turning” does an excellent job at portraying different textures. The first thing that I noticed when I looked at this piece was the detail of the bricks. The bricks actually look real. They have the lines in between them they are all spaced the same and as the picture goes back in space the bricks merge together to give it that three-dimensional look. The second texture that I notice is the wood on the truck. When looking at it one can even see the detail of the wood grain on the truck. The other thing that stands out is the texture of the granite on the ground. It actually has that grainy look to make it look real. There are also other minor details like the lines on the trashcans or reflections from the windows. All of these textures put together help make the piece look so real that it almost looks like an actual photograph instead of a painting.

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