Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Image Essay 10: Perspective

During week 10 we were doing a narrative piece that dealt with perspective. There are three different types of perspective. One-point, two point, and three point. One-point perspective is when the lines going back in space appear to meet at one point. Two-point perspective is when two lines go back in space appearing to meet at two different points. Three-point perspective is when the lines going back in space seem to meet at two different pints plus a third line that is above or under the eye level. Comic book artists as in the piece by Ely Itara Jr. “Pen and Ink” mostly use three-point perspective. Three-point perspective happens when one is looking at the side of an object instead of just straight on. In this piece three-point perspective allows the viewer to see from two sides at the same time what is happening to the building. This artist also decides to use a perspective as if the viewer was above the buildings looking down. This allows the artist to express more and the viewer to get a better idea of what is happening in the piece. Three-point perspective makes this piece very dynamic with the use of diagonal lines. Perspective allows the artist to express more and the viewer to see things from a different angle.

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